
Too Much Cinema is back from a long long hiatus and now at a new address and as a part of Jump the end blog network. We have deliberated a lot about the structure, form and style of this blog and podcast. Our first incarnation was primarily focused on the podcast with in depth reviews of current and classic features. Though it did have a listener base, however small it was quite constricted in the exploration of Cinema. In case you want to check out the podcast, they are still available at our wordpress blog

So here we are again, refreshed and with a new style and outlook. This blog shall have a lot (a lot lot )more reviews and film features than the last version. We shall have discussions and news and stuff among others. However, the podcast's fate is indeterminate and hopefully we shall try to bring it back if we have the time(even if no one is listening :P). I hope this time round we shall have more interaction and a lot more fun. I leave you with an excerpt from the old blog- The reason we do this....

Too much cinema - where cinema is everything simply says it all. We can never get enough of this wonderful medium of entertainment and learning. Delight, anger, surprise, heartburn, love, worship and among other things are all part and we love it more for this precise reason.
We try and capture the magic and madness of the flicks we watch and let you know what we think. We might go over the top or ruin it all. Make great observations or miss blatant facts. You are as much as a part of too much cinema as we are. So without second thoughts let us know what you think.

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